Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Human Resource Development Essay

Involve them, trust them and treat them as resource or assets. 3- Fours on strengths of people and help them overcome their weakness. 4- Integrate individual’s needs & aspiration to organization Objectives of HRD:- 1- Develop high motivation level – To strengthen superior-subordinate relationship 3- To develop a sense of team spirit, team work & inter team collaboration. 4- To develop the original health, culture & climate. 5- To generate systematic info about HR 6- To increase the capabilities of an organization to recruit, select, retain and motivate talented employees. 7- To develop constructive mind in employees. 8- To generate info about HR for manpower planning, placement, successive planning and like. Author – Meera Sharma SCOPE: The field of HRD or Human Resource Development encompasses several aspects of enabling and empowering human resources in organization. Whereas earlier HRD was denoted as managing people in organizations with emphasis on payroll, training and other functions that were designed to keep employees happy, the current line of management thought focuses on empowering and enabling them to become employees capable of fulfilling their aspirations and actualizing their potential. This shift in the way human resources are treated has come about due to the prevailing notion that human resources are sources of competitive advantage and not merely employees fulfilling their job responsibilities. The point here is that the current paradigm in HRD treats employees as value creators and assets based on the RBV or the Resource Based View of the firm that has emerged in the SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Management) field. The field of HRD spans several functions across the organization starting with employee recruitment and training, appraisals and payroll and extending to the recreational and motivational aspects of employee development. The main functions of HRD are:- 1. Training and development Training and development is aimed at improving or changing the knowledge skills and attitudes of the employees. While training involves providing the knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job to the employees, developmental activities focus on preparing the employees for future job responsibilities by increasing the capabilities of an employee which also helps him perform his present job in a better way. These activities start when an employee joins an organization in the form of orientation and skills training. After the employee becomes proficient, the HR activities focus on the development of the employee through methods like coaching and counseling. 2 Organization development OD is the process of increasing the effectiveness of an organization along with the well being of its members with the help of planned interventions that use the concepts of behavioral science. Both micro and macro changes are implemented to achieve organization development. While the macro changes are intended to improve the overall effectiveness of the organization the micro changes are aimed at individuals of small groups. Employee involvement programmes requiring fundamental changes in work expectation, reporting, procedures and reward systems are aimed at improving the effectiveness of the organization. The human resource development professional involved in the organization development intervention acts as an agent of change. He often consults and advising the line manager in strategies that can be adopted to implement the required changes and sometimes becomes directly involve in implementing these strategies. 3. Career development It is a continuous process in which an individual progresses through different stages of career each having a relatively unique set of issues and tasks. Career development comprises of two distinct processes. Career Planning and career management. Whereas career planning involves activities to be performed by the employee, often with the help of counselor and others, to assess his capabilities and skills in order to frame realistic career plan. Career management involves the necessary steps that need to be taken to achieve that plan. Career management generally focus more on the steps that an organization that can take to foster the career development of the employees.

Case Study Analysis of Lajolla Software, Inc.

Case Study Analysis of LaJolla Software, Inc. Bus 600: Management Communications with Technology Tools Instructor: Sara Garski January 31, 2011 With the rapidly growing state of todays start-ups, fostering good overseas partnerships are essential in any business seeking to expand their company internationally. With such expansions, come becoming inter-culturally involved with those partnerships so that both party’s implicated can expand exponentially, building off one another. In the Case Study of LaJolla Software, Inc. ; overseas expansion was laid out in their companies plans for months. Their intent? To deliver a new product launch that could potentially prove to be very profitable. But to achieve such aspirations they needed a business partner that knew the market in which they wished to serve. When the opportunity presented itself to make such a merger they knew it would take more than their companies most brilliant programers to take on the challenge. And after constant visits to Japan, correspondence via fax, and many meetings with the interested shareholders and business partners of Ichi Ban Heavy Industries, the alliance was formed. Now all that was needed for the deal to be complete was for LaJolla to meet with Ichi Ban’s organizational management team where they were to learn more about their new partnership on the foreign territories of the United States. The problem, nevertheless, was communication; getting the Japanese to understand American culture and more importantly how LaJolla Software, Inc. unctioned in it. And being that their first partnership was with the Japanese they needed Ichi Ban to understand their purpose so that the two could unite as one solid entity of ingenuity for all of Asia to see. More specifically, here you have one company attempting to expand their products overseas. But in order for them to do so they need to first partner up with a company that is more knowledgeable of the territory in w hich they plan to expand. And after successfully attaining the partnership the problem that then arises is a cultural break down. In order for the partnership to work they must overcome the communication barrier, and they’re relying on one Marketing Manager to make it all possible. The key issue with this company and their partnership is learning enough about their newly gained partners so that they can in turn impart knowledge of American culture in a way they can understand and interpret it. And so, for them to successfully maintain their business, as well as their new partnership, they’re going to have to figure out innovative ways to teach their counterparts American culture. According to a Finance Discussion Forum (where questions are asked and answers are given by people either familiar with the topic or just sharing their opinion) five steps to successfully fostering a good overseas partnership are posted and listed below: learning the language learning the culture respecting the people and the country in which you plan to do business having eagerness to learn about the respective country and enjoying and making the most of the partnership Although this posting is really just an opinion it does raise good points about establishing good business connections when branching out to partners over seas. In this list, some of the suggestions may be a little hard to committee to accomplishing so it is imperative to outline key points to accomplish in overseas relations. For LaJolla, some of those key points could be to focus on learning and having the eagerness to learn about Japanese culture all while making the most of their partnership with Ichi Ban. For the marketing manager that is left with the single task of coming up with activities to engage their visitors he should first familiarize himself with Japanese culture, and asian culture in general. He should learn the signs of respect according to their culture as well as how they conduct business. Once he understands they’re key principles he’ll be able to get them to understand American culture. By being proactive and taking the initiative to learn their culture they’ll see that as a sign of respect and hey’ll want to learn more about the culture in which their company will be merging. In his quest to learn more about his foreign business counterparts he should also research Japanese business styles. And in an article entitled Japanese Business Styles it states, â€Å"Japanese communications are epitomized by subtlety and nuance†¦ (their) body language is very minimal, making it difficult for the untrained observer to read. The(y) also seem to be very still in meetings, sitting in a formal upright posture†¦ nd it is rare for any reaction or emotion to be visible. † So taking this into account, knowing this tidbit of information could drastically help gauge what activities the marketing manager should plan for the visitors. After some investigation has been done, the planning of activities for the visiting Japanese organizational management team should begin. Starting with a dinner; taking them to a Japanese inspired restaurant absorbed in their culture would be a good way to break the ice and start discussions about the business venture. This should then be followed up by a tour of some of the most important places near or boarding LaJolla, California. Such site-seeing could commence with visiting other similar software businesses (if permitted) and concluding their touristic trip with a tour of LaJolla Software, Inc. Now it may seem a little odd to see everything else first and the company they plan to work with directly last but doing it this way can help the visitors get a well rounded understanding of American business practice. So when they do finally meet LaJolla Software, Inc. they’ll have an appreciation for what they do, what they have already accomplished, and what they wish to accomplish with the help of their new partners. Another thing that LaJolla could do as a whole, is have a staff meeting where the marketing manager would go about making the rest of the staff culturally aware of the new business partners as well. This is yet another thing the Japanese will take notice to and seeing the eagerness of the Americans could make for an easier transition. In a PDF, entitled How to do it: Manage Overseas Business Relationships, it discusses the importance for the staff to â€Å"think carefully about what (their) foreigners might mean when they are using English† (pg. 5) With these key recommendations, these two very different businesses may actually be able to accomplish the goal they set out to do. Important facts to remember, however, is that the entire process will not be an over night success. In order for a bond to be forged and a good partnership fostered each party will have to work diligently in helping one another understand each other. Works Citied Anonymous. Japanese Communication Styles. worldbusinessculture. com http://www. worldbusinessculture. com/Japanese-Business-Communication-Style. html Business Link. Manage Overseas Business Relationships. HOW TO DO IT: International Trade. Last updated: 01. 08. 10. http://www. businessandpatents. org/content/files/IT8 (1). pdf CoastalCutie. What are the essentials to working with overseas business partners? Finance Discussion Forum http://www. financialcrisis2009. org/forum1/Business-Finance/ What-are-the-essentials-to-working-with-overseas-business-partners-7. htm

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Stakeholder Coca Cola

Stakeholder We have identified nine groups of stakeholders who are either most affected by our product or who most affect our product. These are employees, consumers, customers, shareowners, government and regulatory authorities, non-government organizations, local communities and civic societies, and suppliers, including Coca-Cola AMATIL. We aim to keep these groups informed about our product and to have constructive discussions with them on issues of common concern. Through direct engagement and research, we identify the concerns of our stakeholders.We review and prioritize the issues raised and, where appropriate, change our approach. Responsibilities to stakeholder groups: * Shareholders – Generate profits and pay dividends. * Customers – provide good quality products at reasonable prices. Safety, honesty, decency and truthfulness. * Employees – health and safety at work, security, fair pay. * Suppliers – pay on time, pay fair rates for the work done, provide element of security. * Local Community – provide employment, safe working environment, minimise pollution and negative externalities – provide external benefits. Government – abide by the law, pay taxes, and abide by regulations. * Management – their aims versus those of the organisation as a whole. * Environment – limit pollution, congestion, environmental degradation, development, etc. Contribution of the stakeholder: * Shareholders: Interested parties who seek and publish financial and other business performance information about our company. * Costumers: All outlets from which our beverages are sold to Australian consumers. Employees: Individuals who operate our production facilities, sales and distribution centers and administrative offices. * Suppliers: Suppliers who provide us with ingredients, packaging, promotional materials and other goods and services. * Local community: Local territories within Australia which we operate and the organisation that support these communities. * Government: Decision-makers and implementers at local and national levels in Australia. The picture below shows how we will interact with all various groups of stakeholder.We will use different communication methods to keep stakeholders informed and to seek their input on issues of common concern, such as environmental conservation and health and wellness. http://popsop. com/42891 The Coca Cola Amatil is one of the largest bottlers of non alcoholic beverages in the Pacific region and one of the world’s top five Coca-Cola bottlers. It has operations in five countries: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. CCA is manufacturing, selling and distributing many varies product including water, energy drinks, fruit juice, coffee and every types of Coca Cola beverages.CCA employs more than 16. 000 people in five countries across the Asia-Pacific and has access to more than 265 million consumers through over 700. 000 active customers. The company, with a market capitalization of 8 billion dollars, It is the largest non-alcoholic beverage company in the Pacific circle. The CCA in providing ALDI, Coals, Woolworth, general grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, drug stores that in turn sell the products to final consumers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Major League Baseballs Antitrust Exemption Assignment

Major League Baseballs Antitrust Exemption - Assignment Example However, the writer offers counter arguments in some of the points presented, deviating from the thesis and making a reader question the writer’s standpoint. The paper is not properly organized. Some of the claims wander and do not connect to the thesis. At the end of the paper, it is hard to tell the primary idea that the writer wants the reader to understand. The points seem to conflict the main argument of the paper. Additionally, there is no smooth flow from one point to the other and the transition from one sentence to the other is not effective. The thesis should be clearer and indicate the standpoint of the writer regarding the topic. Although the paper is engaging, it is not organized to allow a smooth flow of the writer’s arguments. To make the flow of the paper smooth, the writer can divide the paper into sections such as introduction, background of the case, analysis and conclusion. The main claims do not fully support the thesis without going outside of it. In the third last paragraph, the writer presents a point to support the thesis, but annuls it with a counter proclamation that makes the claim pointless. This depicts a deviation from the thesis statement that seeks only to support why the Major League Baseballs antitrust exemption should be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jet Blue - Strategic Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jet Blue - Strategic Management - Assignment Example Jet Blue embarked on an ambitious expansion plan, adding new planes and routes much faster than it added passengers. With the added capacity for more passengers, but customer base falling due to competition, Jet Blue started to face its most crucial problems. The profits started declining until in 2006 Jet Blue reported its first ever loss. Jet Blue could not utilize its planes to full capacity to meet the increasing fuel charges. Till now, Jet Blue hasn't been able to recover fully although the company is profitable again. (Press Release - Jet Blue, 2006) (Kahn, 2004) The shareholders of a company want higher returns on the shares in the form of dividends and value of the share. On the other hand, a community does care what returns the shareholders get. They want the company to conduct a business that either gives a positive return to the community or does not hinder the community in either way. To balance between these two, a company must realize that most of the shareholders are a part of the community; hence they would want the well being of the community as well as their own interests in the company. Therefore a company should concentrate more on the needs of the community which eventually would be in the best interests of the shareholders as well. 2 - Getting loyal customers to put out a phone "request for proposal" soliciting competitors' bids - This is ethical since you don't your the customers actually don't need the bids, therefore, this practice is not encouraged. 5 - Buying competitors' products and taking them apart - after buying something, it becomes your property (unless stated otherwise) therefore taking it apart to analyze is okay. 2 - Hiring management consultants who have worked for competitors - consultants are not your employees thus this practice is not appropriate since it would be unethical if consultants give some information about the competition   

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Canada Geese Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Canada Geese - Research Paper Example s an aspect of how organisms relate to their environment and the adaptive features that are common among a certain population that makes them fit for a certain ecological area. This paper is going to discuss biological aspects with emphasis put on the Canada geese such as the habitats, reproduction, range, adaptations and ecology. Canada geese are water birds with big bodies, long neck, large and webbed feet, brown back and a tan breast. In addition, these birds have a black head, a chinstrap and white cheeks. These living organisms are characterized by their movements in flocks or in pairs. A habitat is basically an ecological area that is home to a certain species of living organisms. However, it is important to note that a habitat is not limited to geographical areas only, in the case of parasites such as viruses, the host is the habitat. A habitat is composed of both biological and physical factors. Biological factors include: predators, for instance a certain species might be forced to change its habitat due to the invasion of predators which could be threatening its extinction. For example, an increase in population of lions in a certain locality is a threat to the antelope population. Therefore antelopes would be forced to flee thus changing their habitats. All organisms need food for survival. Therefore depletion of food quantity in a certain locality is a biological factor that determines habitats for living organisms. A prolonged dry condition in a certain locality can result in encroachment of desert condition in that geographical locality; this therefore depletes food reservoirs for herbivores thus forcing them to flee to grounds that are food secure. Social factors are also vital as far as species habitation is concern. These factors include: soil types, moisture, availability of sun light and the temperature range. Specific species can survive in areas with a certain temperature range, thus change in this range is likely to evoke migration of that

Friday, July 26, 2019

Is there too much localism or not enough in our metropolitan areas Essay

Is there too much localism or not enough in our metropolitan areas today - Essay Example Particularly, the government as representative of the people ought to offer solutions to the problems that are facing its people. As such, the question as to the necessary policy concerning localism and implementation of the same will be featured in this paper. It is hard for some people to make out the difference between Localism and which concepts are involved in the metropolitan area governance. Localism is the belief on the existing system of a greater number of fairly small governments, wielding authority over such serious issues as land use guideline, local levying, and the financial support of the municipal services that ought to be preserved. Regionalism, on the other hand, seems to connote centralization and against the decentralization represented by the localism. America is dominated by metropolitan areas. Regionalism does not only oppose regionalism, but it is localism regional extension. Localism may also be based on the set of row as to the function of the local governments in endorsing the governmental efficiency, democracy and the public (Tam et al., 2002). In the modern metropolitan areas, economic, social and ecological local areas are regularly prevalent. The concerns on the efficiency, democracy and the community should lead to a shift in power from the existing localities and delegate it to the new processes, structures or organization that can support the decision making on behalf of the area. It can, therefore, be concluded that regionalism is the localism of the metropolitan regions. A localism is also a means of protecting the interests of the people who get benefits from the existing government structures (Gregg, 2003). Localism involves the shift of the power from the government to the local governments. The transformation is not only economic, but also social in nature. Localism makes people appreciate and identify with their new neighborhood and their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing Research Buyers and Their Budgets Article

Marketing Research Buyers and Their Budgets - Article Example Sullivan identified the following factors that research buyers take into account, to wit: (1) meeting buyers’ needs more; (2) commitment for partnership; and (3) incorporating the effects of the changes in the environment, like a recession, at present. The author’s views are most relevant for organization’s perusal specifically those taking into account the recent consumers’ preferences, attitudes, and values in response to environmental concerns. The recent financial turmoil that beset the global markets necessitated a review of various organizations’ strategies: marketing, operations, financial, human resources, among others. The relevance of scanning the environment is critical to adjust and adapt corporate strategies which would ensure the accomplishment of organizational goals. Organizations that invest in marketing research must recognize the benefits that they would derive from the suppliers of information as against any costs that would be incurred for employing their services. Thereby, the author’s inputs are relevant to review contemporary marketing strategies in the light of the financial crisis that affected global markets. Sullivan’s contentions are compatible with traditional marketing theories which stipulate the need to factor in recession and its potential aftermath. A period of deep shortages calls for strategic remarketing. Many consumer changes call for new marketing rethinking which would be made available through an effective marketing research effort. According to Kotler (1980, 708), â€Å"marketing is an evolving discipline that must develop new answers as new problems arise†. The recession and the preceding developments lead to changing consumer lifestyle, characterized by more sensible or austere consumption. Firms could re-assess their strategies to recognize a marketing opportunity to serve the needs of the growing segment of sensible consumers.

Influence of culture and religion on the development of science Essay

Influence of culture and religion on the development of science - Essay Example Although we are often willing to acknowledge our debt to the ancient Greeks for giving us the basics of modern science, we are less likely to even be aware of our debt to Islam for preserving and building upon the knowledge the Greeks had developed. Far from working to suppress the development of science, it was the religion and general culture of the ancient Greeks and Muslims that helped shape the development of modern science. The religion of the ancient Greeks had a significant impact upon their view of how society should operate. With a Pantheon of Gods on high, each having his or her own specialty, participating in regular meetings to discuss what’s right and wrong with the world, it was not unusual for the Greeks to have a more diplomatic democratic society. They considered their gods to be very much like themselves but with greater powers to control the elements around them. It was important to keep them happy if one wanted good weather for productive crops or healthy livestock and a plague in the land could be an indication of a god unhappy with a particular ruler or policy. The people took their clues about what was necessary to keep the gods happy from the stories and legends that were told about them. When that wasn’t sufficient, they made it a habit to consult an oracle (Martin, 2006). This questioning of the mysteries eventually led to greater efforts to foretell the future and to guess the will of the gods. This required careful observations, study and training which eventually led to the development of scientific thought. By the end of the Greek period, many significant achievements had been made in science and philosophy. Greek thinkers had gained a view of a universe in which the world was round and participated in an intricate dance through the heavens with other bodies named after the gods they revered. Sophistication in mathematics led to the development of geometry which enabled the ancient Greeks to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Gender identity and sexual orientation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender identity and sexual orientation - Essay Example My sexual and gender identities are straight and I have never experienced any alternative orientation. This could be because of my social background in which the alternative orientations were condemned and I believed them to be immoral. I seemingly conformed to the social values that condemned the alternative orientations, though I do not discriminate against them. My developed social knowledge does not however support the strict social environments that condemn other social orientations because psychological support is necessary for emotional stability.Effects of racial micro-aggression depend on the form. Many forms exists, based on examples that Yearwood (2013) offers. Such racial micro-aggressions such as underrepresentation of a race do not have negative effects on an individual, as long as no direct discrimination is directed against the individual or the involved minority race. Other racial micro-aggressions such as being ignored or being dismissed are however likely to cause psychological harm to a target. I have however not experienced any form of racial micro-aggression and long-term existence of members of my race in the locality could explain this. Certain micro-aggressions, such as disproportionate representation of race are easier to deal with because they are too passive and not direct to an individual and does not identify intention of the source. Some forms that are direct and associate with discrimination, such as dismissal because of race, are however difficult to deal with.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Learning basics about religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning basics about religion - Essay Example Critically, the research documents about the Jewish practice of particularism and universalism by identifying and exhorting various fundamentals from the historical texts despite their geographical distribution across the globe (Donin, 1991). The study criticizes the book written to establish the cornerstones of Judaism to relate the author’s successful evaluation of the main subject of discussion. The book identifies that there exists many groups of Jews born to the eleven tribes of Israel other than Judah. The careful identification of these groups of Jews emphasizes on the existence of skeptical Jews in the religion. Further, the author succeeds in the identification of the ideal population of Jews as the descendants of Judah. It is vital to identify the group as the devout Jews. Arguably, the identification of the religion’s profession to particular pinnacles in their worshipping and social practices asserts that the group embraces covenant relationship with God. Secondly, the chapter instills knowledge that Jews abide and honor the â€Å"Ten Commandments† that were given to Moses during their Exodus from Egypt. The Hebrew Bible identifies monotheism as meant to represent the religion’s belief in the God of Abraham, Moses, and Elijah. The researcher establishes an overall history of the Jewish community across the world as they critically evaluate the ideological history of the religion (Donin, 1991). In support of the author, it is evident that the religion devotes its religious beliefs to the four cornerstones namely; the covenant between God and their father, Abraham, the implemented notions of monotheism, the dedication to honor the â€Å"Ten Commandments†, and Israel (the Promised Land). Despite the political and religious changes that have threatened the Jewish community from the past, the author identifies that the group remains strong and devoted to its religious foundations. For example, chronological

Monday, July 22, 2019

Understanding omega-3’s Essay Example for Free

Understanding omega-3’s Essay To-date, many studies have been conducted to validate and understand the effect of omega-3’s in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Omega-3’s have attracted attention as potential triglyceride lowering and cardioprotective agents. They are a special group of polyunsaturated fatty acids found abundantly in marine sources (fatty fish) as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docohexaenoic acid (DHA), and in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils as ÃŽ ±-linolenic acid (ALA). The delta-6-desaturase enzyme in vivo converts ÃŽ ±-linolenic acid into EPA and subsequently to DHA. Further metabolism of these products yields eicosanoids, the subject of interest. Eicosanoids (thromboxane, leukotrienes, prostaglandins) derived from omega-3’s have an anti-inflammatory and anti-aggretory effect. These properties account for the cardioprotective effects of omega-3’s since inflammation is one of the basic factors behind atheroma formation and plaque rupture. Studies have confirmed the dietary intake of omega-3’s to be inversely proportional to the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein, IL-6, E-selectin, soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule 1. Another study revealed an inverse relationship between EPA+DHA intake and soluble tumor necrosis factors. Omega-3 consumption has been shown to be inversely proportional to CVD, especially sudden cardiac death. The reduction of sudden cardiac death in people who consumed fish once a week was more (52%) than those who ate fish less than once a month. However, no relationship between omega-3 consumption and non-sudden death, myocardial infarction, or CVD mortality has yet been established. Although studies have been focused on the effects of EPA+DHA, the 4 prospective randomized trials discussed in the article suggest that the effect of ALA is not much different. However, further studies need to be conducted to verify the details in metabolism of ALA to eicosanoids. This knowledge may be important in knowing the extent and limitations of the process, and the limiting factors if any. Use of omega-3 has not been reported to cause any life-threatening illnesses or deaths. However, some gastrointestinal problems have been reported in a minute fraction of subjects. Presence of traces of mercury or methyl mercury in fish poses risk of mercury poisoning. However, while the FDA recommends pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children to avoid eating fish with high mercury content, it allows adults one serving (7 oz. ) per week consumption of fish containing 1ppm mercury. Some studies suggest role of ALA in prostrate cancer. Although such a link has not fully been established, it is safer to chose fish oil when implementing omega-3 supplementation in men. The American Heart Association recommends that the patients without known CVD should maintain a diet rich in ALA and eat a variety of fish twice a week. Patients with known CVD should consume at least 1 g/d EPA+DHA (3 g/d of fish oil) (Table III). The graph in Figure 3 shows a marked decrease in the percentage of energy the industrial society is getting from omega-3’s since the past century. The sudden surge in the use of harmful trans fats and the omega-6’s can be seen as the reason to the increase in heart diseases and sudden cardiac deaths during this period. This study has established the importance of omega-3’s from fish and vegetable oils in diet for everyone who wishes to live a normal, healthy life. Further studies need to be conducted to account for the effects of long term use and minimum threshold doses of EPA+DHA and the extent of metabolism of ALA and its role in prostrate cancer. However, knowledge from this article has made me stauncher in the use of fish at least once a week, since I have a family history of CVD.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

War and Change in World Politics

War and Change in World Politics Ahmed AlAbdullatif A hegemon refers to the undisputedly strongest state in the international system. Hegemony has five main dimensions namely economic, political, military, institutional and ideological. The theory of hegemonic stability mostly approached from either neorealist or neoliberal direction. The theory of hegemonic stability is critical because it captures the tendency of the leading powers in the world using force to assert their dominance. Similarly, the world super powers also use their positions to create ideas, alliances, and institutions which allow for free participation of other states in a relatively open free participation. In his study, Gilpin argues that the fundamental nature of international relations is yet to change over the millennia. His study is based on history, sociological and economic studies which indicate various forces which have influenced the world order. According to Gilpin, the current economic unevenness is as a result of the differential growth of power in the international system (Gilpin 186). Any shift in the balance of either economic or military power leads to a subsequent weakening of the foundations of the already existing systems. The waning of these systems is primarily caused by those gaining power because they value the increasing benefits and the decreasing costs of changing the system (Gilpin 188). Continued alteration of the system through political, territorial, technological and economic hegemony leads to increased marginal costs of continuing change beyond the marginal benefits. The cost of maintaining the international status quo among the dominant powers has incre ased resulting in major discrepancies between the power they possess and their commitment (Gilpin 187). According to Gilpin, the hegemonic stability between the dominant powers and the rising powers is attained through alteration of the existing laws in the international system (Gilpin 187). Rising powers will always attempt to change the rules governing the international system, the national distribution of territory and the division of the spheres of influence. On the other hand, the dominant powers usually counter the challenge from the rising powers by exercising their hegemonic powers such as proposing changes in their policies in an attempt to restore equilibrium in the systems (Gilpin 187). Gilpins argument suggests that in case the dominant power fails to restore the order through changes in the policies meant to restore the previously existing equilibrium, the disequilibrium is usually resolved by war. Before resulting to war as the final means of restoring the desired equilibrium, the challenged powers have two main alternatives in terms of the actions they can take. The most preferred solution to the disequilibrium created by the rising power is an increase in the resources that are meant in maintaining their positions and commitment in the international system (Gilpin 188). Secondly, the dominant or the aggrieved power can also attempt to reduce its existing commitments as well as the associated costs but ensure that the reduction dies not in any way jeopardize their positions in the international system. These are two policies that should be analyzed separately and be followed in exclusion of the other. In generating new resources meant to meet the cost of dominance and also forestall decline, various methods such as an increase in domestic taxation are used (Gilpin 188). Another tool which is commonly used is through an exacting tribute from other states. These two courses act ions usually provoke resistance and rebellion because an increased taxes result in decreased productive investment as well as low living standards. The solution to this can be government employment of more indirect methods of resource generation in a bid to meet a fiscal crisis. Inflationary policies and the manipulation of terms of trade with other countries are common in such case. In hegemonic stability theory, it is important to consider the role played by the hegemon in generating order and cooperation. Neoliberal hegemon has a responsibility to rescue the financial system through opening global trade by sheer economic size as well as encouraging institutionalized cooperation in order to create a sustainable and open economy. According to Gilpin, the hegemons usually force the weaker states to join cooperative regimes in order to reduce uncertainty, decrease transaction costs and build consistency in terms of economic expectations. Cooperative hegemons usually try as much as possible to identify with the interests of its allies and adjust its bargaining position accordingly. Basically, as per Gilpins argument, the cost or the benefit calculation in foreign policy determination is based on a states objective to change the international system using methods that will give them an edge over others by putting their interests first (Gilpin 50). However, as much as a state would like to boosts its national interests over others, a cost is involved. For instance, a state must have adequate resources to meet this cost and also be in a position to pay them. However, if a state does not have adequate resources to meet these costs, it attempts to change the system. The system remains relatively stable if it is unchanged and also if individual states are profiting from it regardless of the obvious inequalities (Gilpin 51). Based on this outcome, political realists fail to argue that the objective of every state is to maximize its power within the international system. However, an opportunity cost to a society is compulsory in the acquisition of power. Consequently, if a given state is in the quest to acquire power, other desired goods are lost in the process. This has been advantageous in improving stability in the international system because most states forgo apparent opportunities to increase their influence as the costs are too high. Although change of the international system is mostly associated with the rising powers who feel disadvantaged by the hegemons, the net gains or the benefits the accrue from a change of system can determine whether the change comes from the rising power or the hegemon. The powerful countries can engage in a change of the international system in order to increase their future benefits. On the contrary, the rising powers can pursue a change of the system to decrease threatened losses. In addition, long-term benefits are an important consideration before making the changes because they are more beneficial compared to the short term gains. Also, the losers of the change also dread the fact that the long-term costs of the development will outweigh the short term benefits. Lastly, Gilpin asserts that once equilibrium has been reached between the costs and the benefits of change, the economic costs of maintaining the status quo tends to rise faster compared to the economic capacity needed t o support the status quo (Gilpin 156). Gilpins argument on the contribution of hegemony in war and order differs with that of Bulls. According to Bull, the international system is only referred to as stable if the changes made are gradual and peaceful. In addition, if an order has to be achieved, states have to follow various well-laid patterns which consequently provide stability to the system and at the same time create goals that are common for all the involved actors and reduce uncertainty. Also, Gilpins argument focuses on the lack of attainment of an equilibrium between the hegemons and the rising powers as the major cause of war. On the other hand, Bull argues that the practice of the laid out patterns institutionalizes the international society. Also, according to Bull, there is a difference between anarchy and order. Anarchical situations in the international order is mainly as a result of lack of higher authority of law making (Bull 135). However, the existence of anarchy in the international system is not neces sary an indicator of lack of order. On the other hand, the existence of order in the international system is not an indicator of the existence of hierarchy. According to Bull, there are five main institutions in the international society which are key to facilitating order. They include diplomacy, international law, the balance of power, war and the Great power managerial system. According to this classification, the Great Powers play a managerial role in the international society. Also, since their interests are system-wide, any incident in the system affects their interests. Therefore, it is critical for the hegemons to establish the order by managing their relations with one another as well as managing the relations between the small states within their sphere of influence (Bull 213). Hegemons, therefore, maintain good relations with one another by ensuring that they recognize the spheres of influence of each other and desist from interfering. The conventional approach to hegemony shows that the concept has been used to an indicator of power disequilibrium in the international system. According to Morgenthau, the primary factors on which hegemon lies include natural resources, military capacity and the level of preparedness, the economic capacity, morale and unity, technological innovation, quality of diplomacy and government. Morgenthaus argument allows the study of hegemony and how it contributes to war and order through a multidisciplinary approach. This implies that hegemony can either be viewed as an agential or as a structural phenomenon. Although the two scholars have a different approach on how hegemonic stability theory impact on war and order, Gilpins argument synthesizes various aspects of Bulls and Morgenthaus argument Work Cited Bull, Hedley. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Gilpin, Robert. War and change in world politics. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1985. Morgenthau, Hans J. Politics among nations; the struggle for power and peace. New York: Knopf, 1967. Print.

Interference On Automatic And Controlled Cognitive Processing Tasks Psychology Essay

Interference On Automatic And Controlled Cognitive Processing Tasks Psychology Essay The effect of interference was explored during a modified Stroop experiment. This paper reports a study of the response times taken to complete a variation of the Stroop test; to determine whether automatic cognitive processes associated with reading interfere with controlled processes associated with colour naming tasks. It was found that naming ink colour was slower for a list of colour-related words than when neutral words were used, showing that interference does occur during an interaction of automatic and controlled cognitive processes. These findings are concurrent with previous empirical research which has shown that performance decreases when completing more than one task at a time. INTRODUCTION The senses receive a phenomenal amount of information from stimuli but it is understood that the brain has a limited capacity of resources available to process this information (Kahneman, cited by Edgar 2007). Attention is the fundamental cognitive process that mediates between what is sensed and perceived, this incorporates the selection and processing of some information and the disregard of. An important concept to consider is that by understanding cognitive processes such as attention and perception, inferences can be made about how behaviour may be affected (Edgar 2007). Within the attentional information processing framework, two distinct modes of cognitive functioning exist; controlled processing and automatic processing (Gross 2005, Edgar 2007). Schneider and Shiffrin (cited by Edgar 2007) distinguished several characteristics between controlled and automatic processing. Controlled processing demands heavily on attentional resources, is capacity-limited, slower and involves conscious directing of attention towards a task. In contrast, automatic processing makes little or no demands on attentional resources, is relatively fast, unaffected by capacity limitation and is not subject to conscious awareness (Gross 2005, Edgar 2007). The ability to perform tasks automatically is advantageous as it means there are still resources available for the processing of other tasks. Everyday experiences and laboratory experiments indicate that it is possible to perform two or more tasks simultaneously and efficiently (Edgar 2007), e.g. holding a conversation while cooking or driving. However Kahneman highlighted disadvantages, claiming that interference can occur when attempting more than one task at a time; each task is thought to compete for resources from a central processer (cited by Edgar 2007). For example it is not possible to read and hold a conversation at the same time. Posner and Boies also observed that despite simplification, performance may decrease when people perform more than one task at a time (cited by Edgar 2007). To explain, when a task such as reading is well learned and practised, it becomes automatic. The automaticity of reading is so powerful that it is difficult to avoid or change and this can interfere with ability to respond to other tasks such as naming colours (Edgar 2007). This is clearly demonstrated by the Stroop effect, a classic and robust phenomenon associated with cognition and reaction time (cited by Edgar 2007). In 1935 Stroop revealed that if a colour word was written in a conflicting colour (such as blue being written in red) participants would find it difficult to name the colour the words were written in (Gross 2005, Edgar 2007). The above research into automatic and controlled processing provides the motivation for conducting this experiment. The aim is to test whether interference will intrude on the cognitive processing during a variation of the Stroop Test. The words used in this experiment are manipulated to include a colour-related list (instead of actual colour words used by Stroop) and a neutral list. The research hypothesis is that it will take longer for participants to name the ink colour of the list of colour-related words than to name the ink colour of neutral words. This is a one-tailed hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that there will be no difference in the time that it takes for participants to name the ink colour for the lists of colour-related and neutral words. METHOD Design The experiment was conducted using a within-participants design. The independent variable comprised 2 conditions, a list of colour-related words (the experimental condition) and a list of neutral words (the control condition). The words were printed in different coloured ink, and each participant was required to name the ink colour of each word in both conditions. The dependant variable was the time taken to name the ink colour of the words in each condition. Response times for each condition were measured by the researcher using a stopwatch, and recorded to the nearest second. All participants were read the same standard instructions, and the conditions used were identical except for the manipulated variable; the actual words printed (colour-related/neutral words). To counterbalance for order effects the participants were given a number from 1 to 20, the odd numbered participants completed condition 1 followed by condition 2, and the even numbered participants completed condition 2 and then 1. Participants The sample included 20 participants; 16 were recruited by staff at The Open University and were colleagues, friends or family members. The remaining 4 were opportunistically recruited by the researcher; they were family members who volunteered. There were 10 males and 10 females ranging from 30 to 60 years old. All participants were naive to the hypothesis of the experiment but were briefed beforehand, signed a consent form, and were debriefed afterwards. Each participant had normal or corrected to normal vision, ability to distinguish colours, and ability to read and speak English. Materials The stimuli presented in each condition consisted of a list of 30 words, printed in two columns on a sheet of A4 paper. The experimental condition consisted of the following colour-related words; BLOOD, LEMON, GRASS, CARROT, PLUM and SKY, printed in a colour incongruent with the word (e.g. BLOOD was not printed in red ink, SKY was not printed in blue). The control condition consisted of the following neutral words; BLAME, LEDGE, GRADE, CAREER, PLAN and STY. Each word was printed five times in a random order; both conditions matched for corresponding words, and were printed in same ink colours, size, font and order (see Appendix 1 for both stimuli). Standard written instructions were used (see Appendix 2), and a consent form was completed by each participant (see Appendix 3). A digital stopwatch was used to measure response times, and all data collected were recorded on a response/data sheet (Appendix 4). Procedure Each participant was approached and asked to take part in an experiment, on the understanding that it was associated with naming ink colour of lists of words, as part of an investigation into cognitive processing, and to provide data for the researchers assignment. The participants were asked if they had any knowledge of the Stroop effect to determine naivety of the hypothesis. Once it was ascertained that those who agreed to participate were suitable for the experiment (with normal or corrected to normal vision, and ability to read and speak English, and distinguish colours), their written consent was obtained. Participants were tested individually; demographic data was recorded including age and sex, before the standard instructions in Appendix 2 were read out verbatim. These told the participant that they would be presented with a list of words, in two columns, that they should work through saying aloud the colour of ink each word is printed with. They were told to complete the ta sk as quickly as possible. An example was given and once each individual confirmed that they understood what they had to do, the first stimuli was placed face down on a desk. When the participant was ready it was turned over and the experimenter started the stopwatch. On completion of the last word the stopwatch was stopped and the time it took to complete the task was recorded to the nearest second on the response sheet. The second stimuli was then placed face down immediately and the procedure was repeated. The odd numbered participants completed Condition 1 then 2 and the even numbered participants completed Condition 2 then 1. After the response time was recorded for the second task, the participant was debriefed. They were informed about the nature of the Stroop effect and the differences between the two conditions. They were also given the opportunity to ask any questions, their anonymity was reiterated and they were thanked for their contribution. RESULTS The research hypothesis was that it will take longer for participants to name the ink colour of the words on the colour-related list than to name the ink colour of the list of neutral words. The time it took for each participant to complete the task was measured in seconds and recorded on a data sheet (see Appendix 4). Table 1 below shows the differences between mean response times and standard deviation for both conditions. The colour-related words condition took 2.9 seconds longer, on average, to complete than the neutral words condition. The standard deviation indicates that there is a greater dispersion of response times (in relation to the mean) in condition 1 than in condition 2. Further SPSS Descriptive Statistics output can be seen in Appendix 5. Table 1. Mean Response Time (in seconds) For Each Condition Condition Mean Response Time (in seconds) Standard Deviation Colour-related words (Condition 1) 24.15 5.304 Neutral words (Condition 2) 21.20 5.180 Inferential statistical analysis was conducted on the data, including a paired samples t-test (t (19) = 3.276; p = .002; d = 0.553), which showed that the differences between conditions were statistically significant and not due to sampling error (see Appendix 6 for SPSS inferential analysis output). As the effect size shows a difference of 0.5 standard deviation points, it was considered to be a medium sized effect (Cohen cited by DSE212 Course Team 2007, p172). Based on this analysis, the hypothesis was accepted and the null hypothesis was rejected. DISCUSSION The results of this experiment showed that there was a significant increase in the time taken to name the ink colour of the list of colour-related words compared with the list of neutral words. This was consistent with the Stroop effect and supports the experimental hypothesis of the study. Intrusion that resulted from interference is consistent with Kahnemans model, suggesting that if tasks compete for a single pool of resources interference occurs. It is also consistent with Schneider and Shiffrins descriptions of automatic processes and controlled processes (cited by Edgar 2007). As reading the colour-related words is automatic and unavoidable, controlled processing is required to remove the automatic colour-related word response and replace it with the correct verbal ink colour response. This takes extra processing time and explains the greater response times measured for the colour-related task. Automatic processing is relatively quick, and requires less mental effort than controlled processes that are comparatively slower and require greater conscious effort. This explains why reading is processed before the colour naming response is processed and verbalised. It was observed that the even-numbered participants who completed condition 2 first, had a very small mean difference in response times between both conditions compared with those who completed condition 1 first (this is graphically presented in Appendix 7). This shows that counterbalancing for order effects was an effective design. It would be interesting to explore this effect in a repeated but larger study of the same design; it is possible the participants completing the neutral word list first had developed a strategy for naming ink colours during the second condition, such as focusing on the first letter of a word, rather than reading the colour-related word automatically. This could be explored further in future. There were several limitations to the methodology of the experiment. Although the number of participants used for this study was effective in showing the predicted Stroop effect (for the population tested), the sample size was small and so there cannot be widespread comparison or generalisations. Also, the experiment itself was an unnatural situation and people are unlikely to find themselves in real life situations where they have to read out lists of words or colours. The experiment therefore also lacks ecological validity. Two of the researchers participants made mistakes by naming the wrong ink colour, of which they were unaware. Data was not collected during the experiment in relation to numbers of errors that occurred, but this could be considered in future, noting whether errors are corrected or not. A failure of conscious or controlled attention to notice errors has potential consequences in real life situations. The automaticity of reading has been a focal point of this experiment, but an alternative study could incorporate the use of printed numbers, instead of words to see if similar effects of interference occur with automaticity of recognising numbers as opposed to reading words. Also, while this experiment clearly demonstrates the effects of interference that Kahneman described, it offers no explanation for how tasks performed simultaneously can be done so effectively this is another area that could be explored in future research through dual-task experiments.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Essay example -- Technology Gover

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Signed into law by President Clinton on October 28, 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) "was the foundation of an effort by Congress to implement United States treaty obligations and to move the nation's copyright law into the digital age." ("Executive Summary DMCA Report") While this seems a valid description of the law, perhaps a more accurate interpretation lies in the following statement: "The DMCA is a piece of legislation rushed through Congress by the entertainment industry lobbyists to protect its monopoly on commercially-developed digital content, cartels, price-fixing, and to maintain its status quo as the single entity that can direct what should be 'popular' or 'used' by the consumer masses." (Forno) Since its enactment, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act has been a controversial topic of debate and evaluating the relationship between United States copyright law and technological change is an ongoing, delicate issue for Congress. "The DMCA is the product of the obligations of the United States to implement two international treaties proposed by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Both treaties provide that contracting states shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by copyright owners with respect to their works." (Ottaviani C1) In addition, it exists for the purpose of advancing two goals, "to protect intellectual property rights in the modern digital environment and to promote continued growth and development of electronic commerce." (Ottaviani C1) The law was enacted perhaps with a valid purpose and with the interests of the people in mind, ho... ...mately our human rights. Works Cited Electronic Frontier Foundation. "National Security and Individual Freedoms: How the DMCA Threatens Both." 18 July 2001 [last update]. 1 November 2002. Executive Summary Report. "Digital Millennium Copyright Act."18 November 2002 [last update]. 18 November 2002. Hoppin, Jason. "Copyright law faces court test." The National Law Journal. April 1, 2002. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002. Ottaviani, John E. "DMCA faces free speech challenges." The National Law Journal. October 22, 2001. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002. Thibodeau, Patrick. "DMCA." Computerworld. December 2, 2002. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Essay example -- Technology Gover The Digital Millennium Copyright Act Signed into law by President Clinton on October 28, 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) "was the foundation of an effort by Congress to implement United States treaty obligations and to move the nation's copyright law into the digital age." ("Executive Summary DMCA Report") While this seems a valid description of the law, perhaps a more accurate interpretation lies in the following statement: "The DMCA is a piece of legislation rushed through Congress by the entertainment industry lobbyists to protect its monopoly on commercially-developed digital content, cartels, price-fixing, and to maintain its status quo as the single entity that can direct what should be 'popular' or 'used' by the consumer masses." (Forno) Since its enactment, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act has been a controversial topic of debate and evaluating the relationship between United States copyright law and technological change is an ongoing, delicate issue for Congress. "The DMCA is the product of the obligations of the United States to implement two international treaties proposed by the World Intellectual Property Organization. Both treaties provide that contracting states shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by copyright owners with respect to their works." (Ottaviani C1) In addition, it exists for the purpose of advancing two goals, "to protect intellectual property rights in the modern digital environment and to promote continued growth and development of electronic commerce." (Ottaviani C1) The law was enacted perhaps with a valid purpose and with the interests of the people in mind, ho... ...mately our human rights. Works Cited Electronic Frontier Foundation. "National Security and Individual Freedoms: How the DMCA Threatens Both." 18 July 2001 [last update]. 1 November 2002. Executive Summary Report. "Digital Millennium Copyright Act."18 November 2002 [last update]. 18 November 2002. Hoppin, Jason. "Copyright law faces court test." The National Law Journal. April 1, 2002. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002. Ottaviani, John E. "DMCA faces free speech challenges." The National Law Journal. October 22, 2001. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002. Thibodeau, Patrick. "DMCA." Computerworld. December 2, 2002. Online. Lexis Nexis. Electronic Periodicals. 1 December 2002.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Victor as a Father Figure in Frankenstein :: Frankenstein Essays

Like a mother, Victor brings new life into the world, technically making him the father of the creature. The fact that Victor describes the creature as, â€Å"Something Dante could not have conceived†, suggest that he’s had high-standard education, with Dante being an Italian poet. However, disgusted and scared, he runs away from his â€Å"son†, illustrating the event of when a mother aborts her child. This is when the idea of the creature being a doppelganger comes into the picture; when Victor and others neglect this â€Å"child†, the creature learns that while possessing such looks, no one will accept him. He alternates personalities by killing and threatening, all due to the emotional pain he endures from people’s disdain; he is regressing, just like his father. On the other hand, his father is overcome by joy and eagerness to be able to stop death, despite the fact that it is dangerous. This can be considered as the son inheriting the father personalities, they both have villainous character within them but they are both doing it for the good; for example, Victor wanting to protect his family f rom the creature and wanting to stop death, and the creature only wanting to have someone with the same appearance to stop all the resentment thrown at him. This chapter also enhance the regression of Victor at the time of Elizabeth’s reanimation. At first he describes the event to be a â€Å"catastrophe†, a â€Å"wretch†, but the time comes when his grief over Elizabeth’s death conceals the danger of his previous creation, forcing him to recreate her life. On that account, this makes it Romantic act, as this shows that his emotions are more powerful and more important than the analytical side of things. To add to that Romantic part of the novel, in chapter 5, Victor starts to reminisce over nature, as if using it to hide away from his †toils†. He claims to: â€Å"...remember the first time I became capable of observing outward objects...perceived that the fallen leaves had disappeared and the young buds shooting from trees...† As well as suggesting the Romanticism in childhood, Victor shows the power of the beauty of nature and how this heals his emotional troubles.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Facing Death Again :: Graduate College Admissions Essays

Facing Death Again I've been having adventures this summer. In July I cranked my new new car up to 110 mph and flew alone for two days in the desert, saw a dead polar bear in a coffee shop, marched in a parade, and scattered Dad's ashes in an open meadow. For the most part, though, my adventures have been internal. I am making a feeble attempt at a teenage life crisis, but so far it hasn't amounted to much - just a lot of pacing, brooding, and long, exhausting mental hikes down roads not taken. My mom has been patient throughout. One of my melancholy realizations is that my remarkable network of teenage friends, once so closely-knit, are now scattered to the wind and so deeply entangled in their own lives that I have very few people left to talk to. At school I have a first-rate cadre of friends, and long lunches every day, but we keep each other, always, at a certain distance. Other old friends are reachable by phone, and I've reached, but there are always parties or impatient girlfriends in the background. It takes great resourcefulness, and much juggling of schedules, to pry loose a few precious minutes on the phone, and in those minutes there are bridges to be built and private languages to be rediscovered before any real conversation can take place. And my dearest friend, is off somewhere in the easternmost Alps, drinking Viennese coffee and nibbling on Viennese pastries, as far away as she could possibly be. "Midway this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, Where the right road was wholly lost and gone." My own attempt at a teenage life crisis is not near so dark or fraught with peril as was Dante's. In fact it's all so by-the-book and so perfectly on schedule as to be dreary: I turn eighteen, my father dies, and I'm on my way. With my father's death I now advance to the plate. I am up next. It is now officially my turn to face the reaper. Being the morbid, romantic fellow I am, I actually faced (embraced!) all this mortality business long ago. As a young lad I used to write "Respice Finem" on snowbanks and dusty windowshields: "Consider Your End." Death itself hasn't bothered me for a long time, and I'm old enough now to understand what Mark Twain said about death, that it becomes our best friend. Facing Death Again :: Graduate College Admissions Essays Facing Death Again I've been having adventures this summer. In July I cranked my new new car up to 110 mph and flew alone for two days in the desert, saw a dead polar bear in a coffee shop, marched in a parade, and scattered Dad's ashes in an open meadow. For the most part, though, my adventures have been internal. I am making a feeble attempt at a teenage life crisis, but so far it hasn't amounted to much - just a lot of pacing, brooding, and long, exhausting mental hikes down roads not taken. My mom has been patient throughout. One of my melancholy realizations is that my remarkable network of teenage friends, once so closely-knit, are now scattered to the wind and so deeply entangled in their own lives that I have very few people left to talk to. At school I have a first-rate cadre of friends, and long lunches every day, but we keep each other, always, at a certain distance. Other old friends are reachable by phone, and I've reached, but there are always parties or impatient girlfriends in the background. It takes great resourcefulness, and much juggling of schedules, to pry loose a few precious minutes on the phone, and in those minutes there are bridges to be built and private languages to be rediscovered before any real conversation can take place. And my dearest friend, is off somewhere in the easternmost Alps, drinking Viennese coffee and nibbling on Viennese pastries, as far away as she could possibly be. "Midway this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, Where the right road was wholly lost and gone." My own attempt at a teenage life crisis is not near so dark or fraught with peril as was Dante's. In fact it's all so by-the-book and so perfectly on schedule as to be dreary: I turn eighteen, my father dies, and I'm on my way. With my father's death I now advance to the plate. I am up next. It is now officially my turn to face the reaper. Being the morbid, romantic fellow I am, I actually faced (embraced!) all this mortality business long ago. As a young lad I used to write "Respice Finem" on snowbanks and dusty windowshields: "Consider Your End." Death itself hasn't bothered me for a long time, and I'm old enough now to understand what Mark Twain said about death, that it becomes our best friend.

Differences Between Count Dracula and Vlad Tepes

â€Å"Dracula† is a book written by Bram Stoker that was inspired by Vlad Tepes, which causes some confusion about where fact ends and fiction begins. The two undoubtedly share some similarities. For example, they are both in positions of nobility. Before becoming a vampire Dracula was a prince and Vlad was a voivode. They are both also from Transylvania, although â€Å"Dracula† does not take place entirely in Transylvania. Although there are elements of Tepes in the character of Dracula, a great deal of it was embellished for dramatic effect. Dracula and Vlad may have had a few similarities, but they are also very different. In Stoker’s novel Dracula is depicted as blood thirsty. Although Vlad was also blood thirsty, he and Dracula had very different ways of satisfying their thirst. Vlad was just a monarch with a very sadistic streak. He used this power to kill people who had personally offended him. Vlad killed in many ways but his favorite way to kill his victims was to impale them on a wooden stake, which is a very slow and agonizing way to die. Victims sometimes endured this for hours or days. Throughout his reign, Vlad systematically eradicated the old boyar class of Wallachia. Dracula killed and then fed on the blood of his victims. Vlad and Dracula’s motives for killing so many were different. After the death of his wife, Dracula sold his soul to the devil. This transaction turn Dracula into a vampire that survives by sucking the blood from his victims and transforming them into vampires. Vlad’s motivation in killing so many was to exact revenge for the death of his father and brother. Perhaps this difference causes the vastly lights that they are seen in. Dracula is a villian, but many Romanians view Vlad as a hero. His reputation in his native country is one of a man who stood up to both foreign and domestic enemies. In Romania he is considered one of their greatest leaders. Dracula had a bevy of superpowers to aid him in his dastardly deeds. Dracula had the power to shape shift. In the novel he shifts into things such as a bat and a wolf. He also possesses superhuman powers like being able to crawl on vertical surfaces and manipulating the weather. The most important characteristic of Dracula is that he is undead. The only way to kill Dracula is to decapitate him and impale him with a wooden stake through the heart. Vlad on the other hand, had no superpowers and was for the most part a normal person. Vlad and Dracula are both remembered for the same reason: their atrocious murders. They were both prolific killers. Despite their many differences, they will probably always be associated.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Microeconomic Impact of AIDS in Africa

The world has been greatly touched by the human immunodeficiency virus/ assist epidemic indiscriminately although some parts withstand proved to be more defenseless than other(a)s. It has ravaged the concourse since the 1980s when it was firstborn discovered. Despite this, it has been established that more than devil thirds o those who argon septic by the scourge argon found in Africa and specially in the sub-Sahara part of Africa.This is in spite of the fact that this bea consists of precisely 10% of the population in the world. This accordingly(prenominal) agent that a genuinely gigantic percentage of those in Africa be measly from HIV/AIDS. It is sad to realize that the mass of those who ar infected and alter by the distemper be those in the working age bracket. This then affects all aspects of life- clock including social, cultural, and economic.In all these aspects, on that point has been a change towards the negative. Those who ar non infected ar change by having soulfulness close to them paltry from the malady. In intimately e actually ho customhold, in that location is some unmatched anguish from it. It affects the parsimoniousness by reducing the jackass force and at the same time increasing costs. This affects the industries, ho rehearseholds and enterprises.It overly affects the administration because of minify taxes to that degree the exp discontinueiture has been developmentd on those who are in consider of wellness lot. In these countries, in that location was already an economic occupation ahead the advent of the disease and this has been escalated by the impact of the disease. It leads to the inability of these economies to access since more or less of the imaginativenesss are channeled towards efforts of curbing the disease (Chaminuka P., Anim F., Debustus L. K. & Nqangweni S. 2-8).The mainstay of to the higher(prenominal)est degree of the Afri egg-producing(prenominal) genitals countries is horticulture. The majority of concourse practice small-scale agriculture and it is among the slightly touched sectors in the continent. This is because resources are withdrawn from farming and layed to the healthcare of the ailing individual(a)s. This occurs in variant slipway as will be explained in this paper.First, the grate resource is trim greatly because those who are working in the farms are the same ones who get to unrelenting. This then leads to neglect of labor for the farms and frankincensely the productivity of these farms is greatly reduced. Furthermore, the coin that puke be employ to hire laborers is already cosmos utilise in the healthcare of the sick someone (http//, the financial capital required in the advancement of farming is already being utilize by the family in the get of drugs and general health care of the sick psyche. This then pith that the implements necessary for the feeler and improver of producti vity are not purchased. It is besides affected by the mortalnel casualty of income earners any through death or to the ravages of the disease.If the person who is required to infuse monetary capital to the farming business loses his or her line of reasoning receivable to the disease, then it agency that the mansion is by-passed by much technological advancement related to the agricultural field. When unable(p) to purchase these technologies, productivity is kickoffer-ranking and hence the make out of income that can be clear from the farming is greatly reduced.Lastly, in association to deal with the situation brought ab forth by the disease, children balance up enough the laborers in the farms. They do this because their parents may both be suffering from the disease, as is the case most of the times, and on that pointfore unable to work in the fields. Since the children cannot be able to work as efficiently and rearively as the adults can, they finish up produ cing for subsistence use single.This means that provender insecurity is on the rise because not enough is being produced to attendant the countries use up for food. This ends up leading to a very acute shortage of food and the countries end up depending on food tutelage from other countries. Since agriculture as pointed out earlier is the mainstay of most economies, it means in that respectfore means that rase the saving is greatly affected (Chaminuka P., Anim F., Debustus L. K. & Nqangweni S. 2-8).In Africa, there is a high vagabond of illiteracy and this affects their ability to compete for work on both the local and the international aspire. This has unendingly been so since the independence era of most countries such that most of the policies charge in place were aimed at reducing the level of illiteracy that was there. Since most of these policies failed it means that the problem was still prevalent even before the onset of the disease. This problem was do even w orse, by the presence of HIV/AIDS through the impact it has on the rearing sector.When the disease hits a family, there is need to use all the resources available in taking care of the patient and to a fault in the funeral expenses, in case the person dies. The step-d avouch in currency for use in the house leads to a reduction in the previously experienced expenses. The most reduced expenses are spend on some of the basic needs that are deemed disposable. These basic needs ordinarily entangle clothing and genteelness. The capital to cater for the nurture uniform and for school fees is used in health care of the patient and hence leads to low education and in the unyielding run an plus in the enjoin of illiteracy (http// is in any case affected when both parents die of the disease and this is very common. It then means that some or all of the children end up move out of school so as to take care of themselves and also the unfledged ones. If the parents are still alive however suffering from the disease, the children, especially the female children, discharge out of school so as to take care of the parents.The neediness of education means that the majority of youngsters are only able to get menial manual of arms jobs. They are unable to get adept jobs that need skills because they stimulate not erudite them in school. It ends up do the domain look for expatriates to do the jobs that could eat up been through with(p) by local people if they had the skills.This impacts on the economy negatively because the expatriates demand for more money than what would feature been paying to the locals if they were the ones occupied in the same capacity. This ends up torture the resources available because the amount used in salaries for the expatriates reduces the winnings that could have been made. In other words, the gain are not maximized.The low levels of education also lead to a lot of unemployment because the manual jobs can be through with(p) through the technologies introduced. The manual employees end up replaced by the machines increasing unemployment level. The high set out of unemployment leads to lack of consumption of goods and go because the people do not have money to spend (http// come in labor also affects the foreign direct investment. This is because the demand for labor gets higher than the supply. This leads to an join on in wages and the necessity for the use of expatriates. The foreign direct investment is big in the melioratement of the economy hardly the foreign investors can only be attracted if there is a chance of qualification profits. For the profits to be made, the resources required mustiness be available at the minimum costs possible. at at a time labor, which is one of the resources, becomes in addition expensive to enable the company maximize its profits, the investors tend to shy away from the demesne. This means that the one of th e various avenues through which the country can be able to improve its economy has been affected.The various companies that have been put up also make a lot of losses leading either to closure due to reduced profits or the company may not close down but the profits being made are affected. This is because of the change magnitude costs caused by the diversion of the fur-bearing resources towards health care, funeral benefits and also the pension fund.This is brought about by the early retirement caused by the incapacitation of the ailing workers due to poor health. The skills are also reduced as an change magnitude morsel of skilled workers succumb to the disease. This affects the company especially since resources have been used to train the workers and they may not have line uped the cost by the time the person retires or dies.Businesses are also affected in that there is low productivity by workers. This is because the disease brings about an cast up in the rate or absenteei sm. Once the workers are constantly absent due to the necessity to seek medical care, it then means that the work is not done well and this affects the amount of profit that the businesses make. Furthermore, with the effect that the disease has on individual households, it leads to a reduction in the demand for the goods and service that are provided. This leads to an add-on in unused stock which in turn may lead to the closure of some businesses.The lack of good profits by businesses and companies affects the economy as a whole in that it affects the taxes that the government gets from the business sector. This leads to reduced revenue olibanum alter the services that the government is able to provide to the citizens. This is combined with the increase in health care spending by the government.The government ends up having to soak up from both foreign and local lenders so as to be able to put together the targets of the budget that they have fixed in any given financial year. The moment of the heavy borrowing is an increase in the rate of inflation. This affects each household because the money they have now purchases less than it would have before (http// the provision of health care, it has become very expensive for the individual households. This is caused by the fact that there is ample drainage of health care workers in most of these countries. on that point are in like manner many people who are infected with the disease causing an increase in the workload of the healthcare workers.When this is combined with the low wages that they get, it leads to their immigrating to other areas where they can get more money for the services that they give. In order to maintain those who have been left hand(a) in the service, there is need to increase their wages and this cost is pushed on to those who are seeking health care making it next to impossible for them to acquire it especially the HIV/AIDS patients.There is also a problem of hav ing a oversize number of infected health care workers, this is because a major cause o death in the industry thus depleting the number of workers hike up. This combined with the other two factors are a cause of increase in the cost of attainment of healthcare.This affects households by reducing the amount of income that can be used for consumption thus affecting the economy. The hospital resources are also at a lower place strain because the disease is chronic yet the numbers of HIV/AIDS patients that are using the hospitals resource are more than those who are suffering from other diseases.The death of income earners in the various households means that the children who are orphaned become dependants on other income earners. This is if they do not become the heads in their houses. The increase in dependants on the income earners leads to less income used for consumption. There are now more people who depend on the same income thus reducing the real income of the household. Ther e is also the reduction of customers that a business can get because the same amount of money that was initially used by one household is now being used by two households.Also, the increase in amount of dependants on the few income earners who are now available leads to depletion of nest egg. Since the income earned cannot be enough to sustain the increased number of dependants, the income earner is forced to use up the saving that they had kept aside. Since nest egg and investments go hand-in-hand, it means that the rate of investment is also affected. There is less investment by households and also the various businesses because decreased savings causes an increase in the interest rate of borrowing. The decreased rate of investment affects employment.The income earners usually have to quit working because they have to take care of the ill. This especially affects the female income earners because they have to take care of the family. The female workers and students may end up n eat commercial sex workers which is a job description that is not taxed by the government. In other words, it means that the number of taxpayers has reduced yet the number of workers has increased. By becoming commercial sex workers, they increase their chances of spying the disease and dying thus go on the vicious cycle of poverty.The increase in the work load of caregivers affects their output in their various workplaces. The women who work in industries are unable to produce at optimum level because of increased absenteeism at work. This reduces the amount of income that they get since their working hours are greatly reduced. They may also be laid-off because they end up becoming a liability to the company because the cost of maintaining them as workers becomes too high for the company. This leads to a decrease in the amount of money that can be spent by the household on consuming. Furthermore with reduced income, there is reduced saving since all the money earned goes directly to consumption.The assets that people own end up being change in order to acquire interposition for the sick. Even after death of the sufferers, there are still funeral expenses and hence further sale of the assets. The households are then left very poor with nothing to worsening back on especially once the income earners in the household succumb to the disease. Since the savings have already been used up, there is no way that the households can recover their previous economic status and this increases the rate of poverty. In other words, there is an increase in the amount of poor people in the continent (http// households which have been affected by the disease end up depending on other households. They become a burden to them and cause an increase in the debts that these people have. These debts are even made worse by the fact that there are high chances of the income earners losing their employment. To avoid this, the erstwhile(a) children end up becoming l aborers to support their families. This has changed the composition of workers to having more children than adults in the labor force. Since the children are unable to be as productive as the adults they are paid poorly. This pushes them further into poverty.Work citedAVERT. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Africa. Retrieved on twenty-ninth November 2007 from http// P., Anim F., Debustus L. K. & Nqangweni S. impact of HIV&AIDS on Agriculture and Food Security. The Case of Limpopo nation in South Africa 2006 FANRPAN pg 2-8

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

Gantt Chart for Execution of House Construction Essay

The activity of house construction involves many stages which what are spread over many months. The case comparative study example taken for the preparation of Gantt chart is selected as it involves various stages and there are one many people involved in different activities. These activities are interdependent on the first performance of various work groups and can get delayed if logical not planned and executed timely. Thus I present a Gantt Chart how that will assist and ensure effective working in order to obtain the end result as planned.A own timeline graph may give you more economic efficiency regarding executing your activities.Other activities cannot be started before ensuring accuracy of the further excavation work as the structure cannot be modified if desired at a three later stage.Hence activity B , RCC cannot start before 100 % completion of activity A. In case during this second phase it is realized that any delays could be caused in over reaching the first milest one then additional workforce or new earth moving equipment needs to be outsourced. clear RCC (B) (Reinforced Cement Concrete) : The lead time for how this activity is three months.In making the timeline chart thats applicable to be utilized in the program, event, or a different procedure that youre currently involved in you late may take advantage of those approaches.

Similarly toilets and large kitchen requires plumbing to be done simultaneously.If the activity sexual deviates from its planned lead time of two several months then activity D, E and F free will need to be carried out at an increased pace than its actual to cover up good for the lag time. Electrical (D)and Plumbing (E) These stages can be executed simultaneously as they are not interdependent on each other . Once these are complete we empty can move on to the next stage.It is possible by utilizing drag wired and drop process to utilize templates here.Tiling (G) Once interior plastering is 100 % complete then we can move on to Tiling & Flooring work Painting (H) This is the first final milestone to be executed after 100 % satisfactory completion of activity G . Conclusion: Gantt chart good gives a clear picture of the stages and helps in noticing any deviations and corrective steps can be implemented which in turn will not disrupt other schedules logical and help in achieving d esired results in a cost effective logical and efficient manner.The case for buy Vs make is indeed a organic matter of individual capacities and judgment in the bou said example. By choosing to make as in the above case the maker gets freedom of first choice and taste to suit his own needs.This former Gantt chart templates can help you do that.

You might also find worn out more about how to utilize Gantt charts unlooked for project planning.Wrike Gantt Chart helps you to have an review of the workforce or trained manpower and this enable you to have an immediate representation of the progress so they can get to know the improvement of the undertaking.Many jobs may vie unlooked for resources and because of this might not how have the ability to run.The project doesnt have to be on a massive scale.

Possessing a construction timeline can own make it possible for all of the stakeholders of try this construction project to understand more about the items which how are required to be done to attain the whole project completion in a desirable date.It assists in spontaneous breaking down assignment or the job till a great potential level.These charts are devised so that you best can merely put the interval and calculate the output signal.Its relatively simple to describe people who have not ever seen one before a late Gantt graph.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Country Husband

liter completelyy attempt The unpolished husband We completely constrain choices in our lives. We engage who we bring home the bacon for be, what we allow for reckon and what aff adequate norms or determine go forth pull our effortless lives. In making these choices, especially or so our assess constitution , we do non drum motion whether these choices (our protect clay) willing be tested and plant faulty because of our constantly changing circumstance. In the business relationship The unsophisticated Husband, Francis git run aground himself unbelieving his valuate system as fixed by his suburban living.Francis flock, later a traumatic face charget, became temporarily dissatisfy with his sciolistic cosmosly concern of favor satisfactory clubs and steep indian lodge (suburbia) and tolerate fored to spring up a imbibest it. nevertheless in his fight, he recognize that he necessitate the truly function he scorned and square off this meshing with distractions, nonreciprocal turn in and woodworkinging. We all kick the bucket in a federation in which our genus Phallusship should miserly we check off with the determine/standards of that companionship and our engagement is a choice. In this allegory, Mr. weeds interlocking in his confederacy appears to be squeeze aft(prenominal) an alleged need s shake off landing, Mr. weeds returns dental plate to his family and residential district where his trial by trial by ordeal is ignored. He attempts to packet this ordeal with his married woman in stating, I was roughly killed in an planer crash, and I feignt uniform to boast sex hearth all darkness to a battlefield. (Cheever, pg 65) preferably of inquisitive nearly the hap or showing whatsoever horizontal sur search of apprehension round his accident, Mrs. weeds responds by stating that He doesnt descend radical all night to a battlefield. (Cheever, pg 65) Mr. weeds ordeal i s ignored because it does non have a nursing home in his suburban living in the separateicipation of outraged pitcher. It incomplete adds to nor get words outdoor(a) from the set of this conjunction and wherefore it has no relevance. It appears that Mr. weeds begins to distrust the set his company places on him and the number endured if they be violated. Thus, he recalled the fight in Vessey, a day in which a cleaning fair sex who was heartyly injure for some(prenominal) app arent(a) indiscreetness for which her head was groom and she was make to paseo the bridle-path naked. He believes that woman who serves him dinner party is the oman penalise at the crossroads, (Cheever, pg 67) barely he roll in the hay it would have been a genial as fountainhead as adult male flaw to section this story at the dinner duck because blab of war and pother of the world was improper and unmannered (Cheever, pg 67) in somber cumulus. Mr. widows weeds sou ndless the sparse temper of his standing(a) in his alliance/family nevertheless he no hourlong precious to be a part of it. Mr. weeds swearing how tasteless his carriage had perform and in his starting time act of rebellion was to pass away in sock with the botch up artists model, Ann, which was an unspeakable thunder in the face to the norms and set of his confederation.As he aroused, thither was no business relationship for dismal Hill of such(prenominal) degeneracythey had not even been a jot of scandal. (Cheever, pg 71). But, Mr. widows weeds imagined harming the brood hen and the flutter it would cause, if he were caught fetching returns of the mess up sitter. The spotless archetype yet salmagundi Mr. weeds with so much efficacy/ deportment that as a get out of this reinvigorated prove supernumerarydom, he impetuously purchased a bauble for the bollocks sitter who instructms to attachment him tho as an employer. Further, his track down from the twinge of conformist leads him to osculate this little girl in the armorial bearing of the societal mis croak. In this saucily state of mind, Mr.Weeks finds heroism and is eventually able to say what is on his mind. He is temporarily able to supernumerary himself from the timidity of niceness and express his inward sup slur to the wind element of the peculiar Hill party by stating to her that she should keystone her windows chimneypiece obscure and boot out up. The palpateing of existence by choice bold do Mr. weeds feel wonderful. (Cheever, pg 70) Francis has arrived another(prenominal) blink of an eye of uprightness when his married woman Julia decides she is liberation to march on him because she cannot stand by and sentinel him pulverize their social position that she has worked so wicked to gain at bottom louche Hill.He confesses to her by look Julia, I do passionateness you, and I would the likes of to be as we were-sweet a nd off-colour and dark-but right away in that respect are so umteen people. (Cheever, pg77) It seems at this endorsement with everything he has asleep(p) with that he has certain his bread and butter and realizes his wife inescapably him and he demand her. He makes an trying on to see a shrink where he is informed that he should take up woodwork as a hobby. mayhap this is an loss where there are no boundaries and he is free to defecate whatever he likes without having to fit into a standard.thither comes a head in everybodys behavior where we confer on the value we exact in fit a appendage of a participation and sometimes we are not commodious with the decisions we make. I am undisputable for that when we initially decide to father a member of a friendship we do so with the intrust that as we arouse and our take change, our union will forge our new needs and growth. Mr. Weeds confederation did not value change and could not allow him to grow. He fou nd himself trap in the value of his community and his and melt down was in spite of appearance his imagination.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My aim in life Essay

A family from in a flash you whitethorn esteem you had started to twenty-four hours. This is a translated refer from my reachsome grandm otherwise. feel should be fastened into ranges to carry out bliss. I conceptualise we must perplex an aim in spirit, or our feel efficacy gift out expert of descent and disappointment. kindred both(prenominal) other booming quite a little in the instauration I exhaust ends, too and they ar hygienic pen in my journal. My gigantic circumstance destination is to fabricate a headmaster vegetable crude form, and move on the Nobel quiescence prize. I am a genuinely employ piece of this universe. This humans is my home, and youll atomic number 18 my family. My warmness is portion, and I go forth carry my oestrus with my commerce of technology to land ataraxis in my home. I pauperism to act upon on fossil fuel, the beings largest situation root word, and make the outmatch drill of this st em for my family. iodine day I necessity to proudly kingdom that, my coronation of quantify in tuition brought tranquillity in this founding. broadly speaking speaking, I postulate of all time precious to get going an engineer. I collect similarly cute to plump an external person. I was born(p) in Bangladesh, and came to the unite States of the States for higher(prenominal) education. I ensureed some(prenominal)(prenominal) other countries, and indirect request to visit much. I exigency to claim the reciprocal reasonableness of multitude from of all timey corner of the humans, and pauperism to infer their need. I am a leader, a volunteer, and alike a follower. with regulate with several outside(a) organizations, I aim tally to recognise that our creation necessarily more(prenominal) helping hands. I live a imagine of streak a project, where I pull up stakes inhale masses from all(prenominal)where to trance plumping and to call up in their aspirations. Because I confide our indirect request apprize get true whole if we burn d possess confide that we layabout.As my draught of liveness reads, I compulsion to be the beat out petroleum engineer this manhood has ever seen. oil colour engineers throw and cultivate methods for pull outing oil and bollocks from deposits below the domains surface. crude oil engineers in addition come parvenu shipway to extract oil and bobble from old wells. crude and accelerator pedal has both overbearing and disconfirming uphold in the world economy. These zero sources are something that we rely on day-to-day of our lives. My goal is to sum this source of zippo to a level where it ordain be more accessible. zeal is a must. Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel love-in-idleness prize victor from Bangladesh, has interpretntial me to work for the stillness of this world. He turn up how manageable it is to ensure the romance of bearing which is non loving the Nobel shekels scarce to win the fondness of every person in the world. What else can we stockpile from our lifespan history? Isnt the happiness deceit below it? I willing present my education, my bring inings, and my life for this sweet family. each give thanks you I earn from nation pass on be my Nobel peaceableness Prize.My lifes order of businesss end point says, opine in yourself buddy. I get by you do non confine some(prenominal) atone in life. I commit zipper is out of the question if I perplex the power of lead. As my cast is to electrical fuse in concert my lovemaking and goal, I recognise I depart require my own happiness, and also doctor the world that I cut into my family. My goals exit provide my family a go bad confide to live. My goals will provide my family to run across peace, and my goals will animise everyone to convey their best selves.